About Us
What our club does
As well as a Run each month to a destination anywhere north, south, east, or west of Brisbane, the BSMMCC – Brisbane Southside Morris Minor Car Club attends other activities held during the year are the Issigonis’s Birthday Run, an Ice Cream Night, a Christmas Party, and General Social Evenings. Rallies hosted by other Car Clubs are also becoming popular with members.

Club Aims

To foster the preservation and appreciation of All Morris Minor vehicles produced between 1948 and 1971, and also including other Models of Morris vehicles;
To conduct a variety of social and motoring events;
To support and promote motoring organisations or institutions, whose aims fall within the scope of the club member’s interests.
Club History
In 1985, two couples who were keen Morris Minor enthusiasts decided a car club was needed on the south side of Brisbane. A call for a meeting to gauge the interest was placed in the newspapers together with flyers in the windows of local businesses.
Twenty-four people attended on the day and it was agreed to start a club called the “Brisbane Southside


Easter 1989 saw many Club members travel to Toowoomba for the Morris Minor National Rally. This was a combined effort of five Morris Minor Clubs in Queensland and helped form close bonds with the other Clubs.
To commemorate the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Morris Minor, the Brisbane Southside Morris Minor Car Club (BSMMCC) was allowed to hold a display for ten days at the Brisbane Motor Show at the Convention Centre. It was a great opportunity for the Club and a huge success.
In October 1993 it was decided to hold a Picnic and Display Day open to anyone who owned a Morris Minor, in any condition, to come along and mingle with other enthusiasts. The display day has continued to be held each year in October with invitations extended to other car club enthusiasts.